高溫煅燒氧化鋁粉Calcined Alumina (Hign Temperature)
α-Al2O3 是晶型穩定的高純氧化鋁,具有熔點高、硬度大、耐磨性好、機械強度高、電絕緣性好、耐腐等多種優良的理化性能。
我公司α-Al2O3 產品選用長鋁公司優質氧化鋁原料,經倒焰高溫煅燒而成。是制造高純高鋁系列陶瓷,磨料磨具耐火材料的理想原料。已廣泛用于火花塞、電子電器元件、高頻絕緣瓷和各種高純剛玉及特種耐火材料等制造行業。
該產品為白色粉末狀結晶體,純度高,α-Al2O3 轉化率高,各項理化性能指標達到國外同類產品的先進水平,現執行"YT/T89-1995"標準.
The product has stable crystalline and high purity, and has some properties such as : high fusing point, high hardness, good resistance to abrasion, high mechinical strength, good electrical insultion and resistance to corrosion etc.
Our α- Al2O3 is calcined in rotary kiln which using high quality raw material. The product is also a perfect raw material for producing series of high purity & alumina ceramics, abrasive and refractory etc.
The product has the form of white powder crystalline with high purity and high inversion rate ofα- Al2O3
Standard YT/T 89-1996 is executed.
分類 Type |
牌號 Code |
化學成分% Chemical composition % |
真密度(g/cm3)True Specific Gravity(g/cm3) |
α氧化鋁% α-Al2O3 |
Al2O3 |
雜質含量< Impurity< |
SiO2 |
Fe2O3 |
Ma2O |
灼減 |
低鈉型Low na |
GD-03 |
99.5 |
0.06 |
0.03 |
0.03 |
0.10 |
3.97 |
95 |
Gd-05 |
99.5 |
0.06 |
0.03 |
0.05 |
0.10 |
3.97 |
95 |
Gd-10 |
99.3 |
0.08 |
0.04 |
0.10 |
0.10 |
3.96 |
95 |
Gd-20 |
99 |
0.10 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.20 |
3.95 |
93 |